Your help, no matter what, makes a difference.
Will you help us with your tax-deductible donation of any amount? No donation is ever too small!!
With gratitude and thanks,

Many volunteers every year help the Deep Roots community to provide mentoring, meals, facilities maintenance, and other crucial services to children and their families experiencing homelessness. Donations of time and talent help us continue the mission of breaking the cycle of homelessness. Thank you for choosing to be involved!
Your generosity allows us to provide our families with everything from the basic necessities of food and shelter to the ultimate goal: a stable and permanent home. No donation is ever too small!
We need affordable housing options for our residents for when they are ready to leave Deep Roots. Landlords or Individuals with affordable housing options.
We also have urgent and ongoing needs for many items!
The bricks make wonderful gifts for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or a unique way to honor parents, grandparents, pets or loved ones. It will be fun to read all the bricks leading through our Healing Garden.
Please help us with your tax-deductible brick donation!