Becoming homeless is traumatizing for people of any age, but it is important to recognize that, when young children experience trauma, there is a relatively short window in their developmental process to address the trauma before it becomes a serious problem that affects them as adults. “At Deep Roots we recognize this problem and that is why our families are a priority. We are investing in them and their needs with our Healing Garden Project.
Our Healing Garden will be designed to provide psychological, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits to our adult families and their children. Studies show that access to nature and gardens promotes health through reduction in stress, depression, myopia, pain, fatigue, aggression, impulsivity, and other symptoms. It improves the immune function, bone strength, wound healing, cognition, concentration, emotional resilience, empathy, vitality, relaxation, mood, and satisfaction.
We envision four major sections to the garden with several smaller areas where our homeless families and their children can reflect, relax, and start healing their mind, body and soul while in this transitional stage of their lives.
The Central Patio Garden will serve as a space where families can socialize or take a class such as meditation and relaxation techniques, tai chi, yoga and other special events. Comfortable seating will be available so they can relax and enjoy the fresh air.
The Children’s Gathering Garden will be a special area designed just for the children to relax read a book or spend some quiet time with a parent in a style just for them.
The Prayer Garden will be designed to offer our families a quiet retreat to re-collect and re-connect with God’s creation, restore a sense of calm to their life in transition, and allow God to speak to their soul. It will be designed to respect the privacy and sanctity of the garden.
The Zen Meditation Garden will be designed with perfectly placed rocks to emphasize simplicity and structure. Meaning will be conveyed less through plants and more through rocks and gravel. This garden will serve as a meditative place, free from distractions and conveying a sense of infinity and emptiness. Our families can personally meditate or rake the sand as part of meditation or reflection with their children.
Special PAWS Memorial Wall: Our PAWS Pet Memorial Wall is not a burial location; it is a memorial that you can visit at the Deep Roots, Clairvaux Farm, Healing Garden. It will be located in the Herb Garden in a place of honor. You will receive a picture when the tile is placed, and you can view the garden anytime online. Remember your loved furry family member and at the same time support homeless families, children and pets. Memorial tiles come in 3 sizes. The 4×8 and 8×8 tiles are Black Sugar tiles. The 12×12 tile is a Black Granite tile. All proceeds will benefit our homeless pet project.
Naming Opportunities:
Grand Sponsorship of the Entire Healing Garden
Title Sponsorship of the Social Garden
Title Sponsorship of the Prayer Garden
Title Sponsorship of the Meditation (Zen) Garden SOLD “Thank You Artisian Water”
Title Sponsorship of the Children’s Garden
Sponsor a trees, bench or statue – personally engraved.
Your Brick Will Be Personally Engraved With A Logo Option. You will also receive a picture with the location of your brick or view a live link online. Buy a personalized brick today and support our homeless families and children while creating a lasting legacy at Deep Roots. Click here for details. (Link coming soon). This program will begin January 2023, (Please note: the purchase of your brick is tax deductible.)
Commemorate your memories with a personalized brick!
~ Remember a loved one or ~~ Honor someone special ~~ Honor a loved pet ~
~ Recognize a graduation year ~ ~ Honor someone special ~ ~ Join with family or friends for a family or friends’ brick ~ ~ Set your name in stone for decades to come ~
For Brick Information Click Here
Call 240-508-7965 for additional information or to sponsor a garden – More Information Click Here.
All bricks are engraved by Polar Engraving, one of the oldest family-owned and operated brick engraving companies in the US.
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